Monday, May 12, 2014

Mercury reminder

Now that WI's fishing season is a week in, this is a friendly reminder about mercury. Mercury is a toxic metal settles in the environment and turns into organic methyl mercury in our waters. Methyl mercury bioaccumulates up the aquatic food chain. You should be proud of the large walleye you caught during the opener, but reminder that walleye will have a lot more mercury in it than the little trouts you keep catching (General consumption guideline is ONE per MONTH of game fish, unlimited inland trout consumption).

Mercury is in a lot of products such as electrical components and florescent light bulbs. It is really important that when you properly dispose of  mercury-containing products so the toxin will not leach into our environment and get into our fish (can you imagine not being able to catch walleye at all because of elevated mercury risks?). We accept mercury items here at ESD free of charge.

Happy fishing!

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