Monday, April 14, 2014

Thinking of lawn care?

It's a great time of year! The sun is shining and the snow is melting. It is time to start thinking about our yards! Though we strive to have a lush green lawn, keep in mind that overuse of phosphorus and nitrogen based fertilizers have a profound effect on the watershed, which includes streams, rivers, lakes, and the entire watershed. When heavily applied, these nutrient rich lawns produce nutrient rich runoff, these often go untreated before entering a stream which ultimately leads to our Lake Superior.

Think you're being conscientious by not using any fertilizer? Think again! A U of M study found that neglected lawns produce more polluted runoff than a modestly fertilized, cared for lawn. Everything in moderation!

Lake Superior residents, if we are to live up to our name, lets act like it!

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